Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's Happening? -- Late April/May

            Special thank you to Dawn Bowman for spending last Wednesday evening with us showing her slides of her mission trip to Cuba earlier this year.  Midweeks are scheduled to return to our standard format April 17 through the end of May.  We gather at 6 p.m. for dinner, followed at 6:30 by lectionary-based bible study led by Pastor Susan.  

We have signed a 5-year agreement to lease a new copier (at a lower rate) from Precision Copy Products, which is a local women-owned small business.  Come and check it out!

Session will meet on May 4 from 9:00am -12:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.  

We are pleased to formally welcome Heather Fisher to our congregation upon affirmation of faith on Easter Sunday.  Take time to stop by and welcome Heather and her sons, Alex and Max. 

We are planning a church clean-up day on May 18 from 9:00 -11:00 am. Come enjoy donuts while we “pitch-in to pitch-it-out.”  This recent article from Christian Century explores the link between a church's spiritual health and its building condition.  Check it out and be inspired to come out and clean up on May 18th!

The Deacons are collecting toiletries for the Men’s Shelter during the spring and summer.  Place your items in the bin in the Narthex.

The Church and World team is exploring new ways of participating in God’s work in local and global missions in ways that express our congregation’s true mission heart.  We would like your suggestions for ways we can offer and support programs and organizations that are close to our hearts.  Please put any suggestions you may have in the offering plate in the upcoming weeks or speak directly to any of the team’s members –Greg, Rebecca, or Bez.  You may also email thoughts to –

The prayer chain has had a slight revision.  To start the prayer chain, you may call Pat Chasey or Tom Smart.