Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lenten Discipline -- March 22

Lenten discipline of the day:
take an hour to just be…happy!

You have turning my mourning into dancing;
you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy (Psalm 30:11)

Sometimes I wonder if we need a Lent entirely devoted not to penance and confession, but  to rejoicing and praise. It seems to me that the church is pretty good at recognizing sin and sadness, but not so hot at seeing the joy of God's spirit among us.  Maybe we could use some practice rejoicing in the Lord.  I'll say it again -- rejoice!  

So here's a soundtrack for you to take an hour or so over the next few hours and rejoice!  The song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams has been out for awhile now.  It's incredibly catchy, but what I love is that the singer has made a "24 hour" video of the song.  So pick your hour to practice happiness.

Since the church is having a bowling party this afternoon, I know when my hour will be!