The Problem
with Resurrection
Luke 20:27-38
Some Sadducees,
those who say there is no resurrection, came to him 28and asked him
a question, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies, leaving
a wife but no children, the man shall marry the widow and raise up children for
his brother. 29Now there were seven brothers; the first married, and
died childless; 30then the second 31and the third married
her, and so in the same way all seven died childless. 32Finally the
woman also died. 33In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife will
the woman be? For the seven had married her.” 34Jesus said to them,
“Those who belong to this age marry and are given in marriage; 35but
those who are considered worthy of a place in that age and in the resurrection
from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. 36Indeed they
cannot die anymore, because they are like angels and are children of God, being
children of the resurrection. 37And the fact that the dead are
raised Moses himself showed, in the story about the bush, where he speaks of
the Lord as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 38Now
he is God not of the dead, but of the living; for to him all of them are alive.”
The Sadducees only appear once in the gospel of Luke and many
of us tend to lump the Sadducees and the Pharisees together as the bad, bad
guys of the New Testament. In
fact, there’s an old church camp song that warns children about Pharisees,
Sadducees, hypocrites and goats, and tells them these are the kinds of
characters we DON’T want to be. So
it’s easy to get them all confused as bad guys, even for grownups.
However, when we dealing with scripture, it’s kind of
important to know what kind of dubious characters we are dealing with when we
talk about Pharisees and Sadducees.
So let’s break it down a little bit.
I read a really good sermon recently in which the preacher
rightly described the Pharisees as the less conservative or more liberal Jews
of their time. The Pharisees read
all of Hebrew Scriptures including the historical books, the Psalms and the
Prophets. They came up with the oral Torah -
developing new interpretations for old laws so to make the Torah more
acceptable and more relevant. In
fact, the Pharisees were the ones who were trying to open up the Jewish faith
so that everyone could participate in Torah law, not just the priestly class. Compared to the Sadducees, the
Pharisees were the open-minded ones.
The Sadducees, however, only accepted the first five books –
the Pentateuch – as sacred text. They
rejected oral tradition and relied upon literal reading of scripture. The Sadducees were sort of the “the
Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it” kind of folks.
Another important difference between Pharisees and Sadducees
was their political views, particularly their views about the Romans occupation.
The Pharisees were downright hostile
toward non-Jews and especially the Roman government in Jerusalem. The Sadducees,
however, were happy to align themselves with the Romans, supposedly to keep the
peace, but many of them also managed to get rich working with Rome. If the Pharisees were more blue collar,
working class types, the Sadducees were the white-collar guys, the ruling
elites, the ones who held most of the power in the temple hierarchy even though
nobody liked the Sadducees very much.
The Pharisees were concerned about the spiritual condition of ordinary
people, although Jesus often accused them about not tending to the physical
needs of the people, particularly those outside the religious community. The Sadducees kept a careful distance
from anyone who was not a Sadducee so, not surprisingly, ordinary people wanted
very little to do with them.
The Pharisees were faithful Jews who studied and thought
deeply about their faith, believed in resurrection and a life beyond their
present reality, especially since that reality included suffering at the hands
of the Roman government. In fact,
one of the Pharisees’ big disappointments in Jesus was that he didn’t seem
interested in overthrowing Rome. In
the passage just prior to this one, Jesus in fact tells them, “Then
give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things
that are God’s.”
The Sadducees wore their religion lightly, like an attractive
accessory, and were most concerned about how they were doing in the here and
now. The idea of resurrection or
an afterlife seemed ridiculous.
There’s nothing explicit about resurrection in the first five books of the
Old Testament, so if you read your text as literally as the Sadducees did, resurrection
isn’t even an issue. So the Sadducees stored up all their blessings, and what
mattered to them was protecting what could be seen and felt and spent in this
life. The Sadducees were truly,
“live your best life now” kind of guys.
If you had to place Jesus in one of the two camps, it’s
clear that Jesus would be more aligned with the Pharisees than the
Sadducees. Jesus, however, had
issues with the way in which both groups misapplied their understanding of
scripture, particularly when it came to how they took care or didn’t take care
of God’s people.
The Sadducees and Pharisees had pretty much nothing in
common with one another except for one thing: Jesus had become an enormous problem for them.
Today’s text takes place on the Tuesday of Holy Week and
Jesus has already faced a number of challenges from the Pharisees. The Pharisees questioned Jesus’
authority to teach in the temple, his healings on the Sabbath, and his
questionable associations with sinners.
And you can see Jesus engaging with and trying to teach the Pharisees
over and over again in the Gospels. In earlier arguments, Jesus goes back and
forth; the Pharisees ask one question and Jesus asks another. And some of the Pharisees seem to
eventually understand what Jesus is talking about.
But today the Sadducees show up in all their priestly splendor
to take Jesus on. But it’s clear
that they really are just messing with Jesus. The idea of resurrection is so laughable to them that they
ask Jesus a complicated hypothetical question designed to make Jesus look
foolish and discredit him entirely.
They invoke marriage laws
from Deuteronomy in which the brother of a man who dies childless is required
to marry his widow. And the
Sadducees produce this elaborate hypothetical in which 7 brothers marry the
same woman and all 7 die without producing children. Which brother will be the poor woman’s husband in heaven?
It’s unclear how the Sadducees reacted to Jesus’ answer to
them, but it seems to me that Jesus demonstrates two things in his reply. First, that resurrection means
something far different than the Sadducees’ question suggests. Jesus seems to say that the
issues involved in resurrection for the Sadducees, like marriage and
inheritance and multiple husbands and who belongs to who are not really issues. After all, angels don’t worry about
husbands. Angels don’t worry about
inheritance. Angels don’t die. Angels don’t have children. The children that seem to matter in
resurrection are the children of God and, according to Jesus, that’s pretty
much everybody.
Then Jesus goes on to use the Sadducees preferred scripture
to point out that when Moses encounters the burning bush in Exodus, the voice
of God says, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob.” God speaks of the patriarchs not as some fondly remembered
friends, not as a bunch of guys who have been dead and buried for years, but as
living people. So while Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob might be a distant memory to the Sadducees, captured only in
the literal ink of the Torah, the patriarchs are alive for God. The resurrection of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob has already happened.
So what is Jesus up to in this answer?
Remember that we are talking about resurrection. Resurrection is not the same as
immortality. Resurrection is not
the same as life after death.
Resurrection is not even about heaven. We are talking about resurrection – the transformation we
see most clearly in scripture as the transformation that happens to Jesus on
Easter Sunday. Jesus wasn’t simply
raised from the dead, although he was no longer dead. Jesus didn’t only walk out of the tomb like Lazarus,
although his body was missing from the tomb when the women went to look for
it. Jesus didn’t just come back to
life like Jairus’ daughter, although Jesus lives and reigns among us and through
us and in us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we look at the lived experience of the disciples and
other Christians’ experiences of the resurrected Christ, we can see that resurrection
is a much deeper and, frankly, more mysterious experience than immortality and
the assurance that we’ll be married to the same person in heaven that we were
married to in life. I’ll
leave it up to you if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
It seems in resurrection, death is no longer an issue at
all. Resurrection is a living,
breathing, tangible experience of Jesus in the world. And it changes everything. For Jesus. For
the disciples. And for us. It changes every human experience we
Resurrection is such a game-changer that it is hard to give
the Sadducees a hard time on this particular point. It is difficult to wrap our minds around the resurrection. Even the Pharisees’ understanding is
limited by their wish to see the Romans get theirs after exploiting and
torturing the people of Israel for so many years. The Pharisees want to know there is an afterlife so as to
extract some sort of cosmic justice for the suffering they’ve endured in this
Quite simply, resurrection is a problem. It’s a problem. Because resurrection isn’t only what
happens after we are dead. The
Gospel stories of the resurrected Christ are not intended to prove that the
resurrection happened bodily, literally, and historically and all we have to do
is give our intellectual assent to it and all will be well. Rather, the Gospel stories are intended
to invite us – all of us, the disciples of today – to experience the ongoing
reality of resurrection NOW. A
resurrection reality in which things that look dead to us – people,
relationships, all of the world’s brokenness – all of those situations are, in
fact, being transformed into something new. Right now.
Right in front of our eyes.
Where do we see resurrection happening among us?
First, it happens in our experience of the liturgy in
worship. Every Sunday, we come
face-to-face with the resurrected Christ who has been made known to us in the
breaking of the bread, in the waters of baptism, and in the proclamation of
God’s word. Resurrection is not
just something that will happen to us someday. Resurrection happens now.
I thought about this as I was preparing the funeral service
for my friend Alan’s father yesterday.
Our service of witness to the resurrection proclaims that death isn’t
the beginning, but the completion of our resurrection that began in our baptism
when we died to our old lives and were resurrected to new life in Jesus. So it’s not like we will be
resurrected. It’s that we already
are. In our baptism, we have all
been resurrected.
Jesus says that God is not the God of the dead, but God of
the living. God doesn’t let dead
things stay dead. And that’s a
problem for us. Because while we
see resurrection as good news – and it is very good news indeed – it is also bad
news for folks like the Sadducees or anyone else who can only imagine that what
we see is all there is to see, or that justice only happens at some distant
point on the horizon, which is the Pharisees’ understanding. Resurrection is terrible news for those
of us who want to bury our heads in the sand and imagine that things were once
better, are bad today, and nothing good can happen in the foreseeable future.
But resurrection won’t let us off the hook. And the resurrected Jesus never
stops pursuing us. We may feel
that pursuit just like the disciples when they encountered the resurrected
Christ. They are lost in their
grief. They are terrified when
they find an empty tomb. Dismissive
and scornful of the women. They
run to see for themselves and yet still cannot believe their own eyes. They are
doubting and dubious. The
disciples mistake Jesus for an ordinary gardener or a stranger on the road. They decide to go back to their old
lives, but then they see a figure on a distant shore. A terrible night of fishing turns into a morning of nets
filled to bursting. The disciples’
experience of resurrection is confusing, heartbreaking, filled with moments of
great joy, and difficult to explain in a way that sounds anything but
ridiculous. But what is clear from
all of the post-resurrection stories in the New Testament, that the disciples
were transformed fundamentally.
After resurrection, the disciples are different people.
The New Testament confirms that experiencing resurrection is
neither comfortable nor comforting, and even when it's staring us in the face, it won’t be immediately recognizable. But if we keep our eyes open
for it, the scales will fall.
Once there was a wise old woman who lived in a small
village. The children of the village were puzzled by her—her wisdom, her
gentleness, her strength. One day several of the older children decided to fool
her. No one could be as wise as everyone said she was, and they set out to
prove it. So they found a baby bird. One of the boys cupped it in his hands and
said to his friend, “We’ll ask her whether the bird I have in my hands is dead
or alive. If she says it is dead, I will open my hands and let it fly away. If
she says it’s alive, I’ll crush it and she’ll see that it’s dead.” So they went
to the woman and presented her with this puzzle. “Old woman,” the little boy
asked, “this bird in my hands—is it dead or alive?” The old woman became very
still, studied the boy’s hands, then looked carefully into his eyes. “It’s in
your hands,” she said.
Brothers and sisters, we have a choice. We can live as if we are dying or we
can live as if we trust that death truly has been defeated. We can believe that God will take every broken thing, hold
it in his hands, blow the dust of sin off it, and transform us into something
new and redeemed and beautiful.
That is what God does. That
is who God is. The God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.
That is our God. Let us
live into the promise of our resurrection. Let us welcome the resurrected Christ among us as we break
bread together with one another today.
Thanks be to God.