Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Voices -- Guest Preachers for July and August

Summer time not only means vacation time.  It also means an opportunity to hear new and interesting voices in the pulpit.  Please join us this summer at 10 a.m. worship to hear these diverse voices from around the congregation and around the presbytery.

Sunday, July 30 -- Rev. Karen Battle

Rev. Battle was formerly director of justice ministries for Pittsburgh Presbytery.  Currently, she is the organizing pastor of Hazelwood HOPE (House of Prayer for Everyone), a new church development in Pittsburgh Presbytery

Sunday, August 4 -- Keith Mihelcic

Our own Keith Mihelcic will be preaching and leading worship while Susan is away.

Sunday, August 11 -- Alan Olson, Senior at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Alan is about to begin his senior year at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.  Alan is an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA),  a member at Sixth Presbyterian Church and under care as an inquirer with Pittsburgh Presbytery.  Alan recently completed a field education placement at Crafton Heights U.P. Church with Rev. Dave Carver, and has gone on mission trips to Nicaragua, Israel, Mexico and, most recently, Bolivia.

Sunday, September 1 -- Rev. Eugene "Freedom" Blackwell