Beginning on Thursday, May 23rd from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. we welcome a new community group who will be using our mini-meeting room to share their passion for the art of scrapbooking! New members are always welcome. Contact Pastor Susan with questions or for more information.
On morning worship on Sunday, June 9th, we will welcome Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge to the pulpit as our guest preacher. He is the Executive and General Minister for Pittsburgh Presbytery and a gifted preacher and teacher (as well as an extremely gifted musician/pianist). Please make a special effort to attend worship on this day so we may extend our warmest greetings to Sheldon.
On Sunday afternoon on June 9th at 2 p.m., we will have a memorial service at the church for our beloved BJ Robertson.
On Sunday afternoon on June 9th at 2 p.m., we will have a memorial service at the church for our beloved BJ Robertson.
On Sunday, June 16th, we will begin our summer worship hour at 10 a.m. We will continue to worship in the sanctuary, weather permitting. On very warm Sundays, we will worship in the fellowship hall.