Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Advent Photo A Day -- Day 3 "Peace"

"Peace and quiet.
Peace, peace, peace.
We all want peace;
We all want peace" -- Fred Rogers

Submitted by Pastor Susan

"Peace begins with a smile" -- Mother Theresa

Submitted by Clyde Williams

Advent Conspiracy -- Week One

The Advent Conspiracy 2013: 
Give the Gift Of Comfort This Holiday.

“Comfort, O comfort my people…the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together.” (Isaiah 40:1,5)

For a third year, we will gather together in an “Advent Conspiracy“ at Emsworth U.P. Church in which we commit to worshiping fully, spending less, giving more of ourselves, and loving all as we anticipate the birth of Jesus.

Retailers and advertising tell us the best way to observe Christmas is to buy more. Jesus, however, doesn’t call us to shop, but to serve him by serving others..  The Advent Conspiracy gives you the opportunity to make purchases that matter that will bring comfort to people in need in our community and around the world.   This You Tube video tells the Advent Conspiracy story:


This year, at Emsworth U.P., you can purchase alternative gifts to give to the people you love: poinsettias to be delivered to Meals on Wheels clients and our at home members, Promise Packs filled with school supplies, hygiene items and a warm blanket for children through World Vision, and gifts for young adults transitioning out of foster care through Family Services of Western Pa./Reaching Out to Create Success.

May all that we do in this Advent season reflect our gratitude for Christ’s presence among us.