Sunday, October 26, 2014

Food Drive -- North Hills Community Outreach

Let's Fill These Empty Shelves

As we were gathering for worship this morning, the shelves of the North Hills Community Outreach food bank, located in the old Suburban General Hospital, looked like this:

And this:

Let's do something about all that empty space.  This week, fill your grocery cart with non-perishable foods for our hungry brothers and sisters in the North Boros.

Most needed are cereal, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables and canned beans, juice, pasta and sauce, rice and rice mixes.

Bring your food to church on Sunday, November 2nd and we'll be sure to get the food immediately to the food bank. 

Today, our friend Alan Olson preached a sermon to remind us that our love for God isn't a feeling, it's an action.  Let's love God on behalf of our neighbors this week and fill up those empty shelves!