Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What's Happening? September and October at Emsworth U.P.

New Hymnal Arriving in the Pews In Late September!

The last time Emsworth U.P. purchased a new hymnal was in the mid-1970’s.  Today we have Hymns for the Living Church, as well as The Hymnbook, published in 1955 by the Presbyterian church, in our pews.  

Our current hymnals give us a wide selection of sacred music that well represents the musical styles, tastes and theological concerns (and vocal range!) of the American Presbyterian church in the 1950’s – 1980’s.  For most of us born before 1970, the hymnals we already have fairly represent the music many of us grew up singing in the church. 

A hymnal, however, is never a collection of “favorite songs” or “heart songs” for one particular congregation in one particular time.  Rather, a denominational hymnal is meant to honor the music of our heritage while connecting us to our brothers and sisters in different generations, races, cultures and musical traditions.  We honor Christians who are “different” from us when we sing music that may sound “different” to us.  Being a little uncomfortable with unfamiliar words and tunes can stretch our imaginations, causing us to remember that we are only part of God’s larger faith community.  The new songs we sing in worship today, even if they feel uncomfortable to us at first, may well become the “heart songs” of future Presbyterians.  With time and repetition, you may even find yourself humming a new tune!

Glory to God will contain a wide variety of hymns -- old and new, familiar and unfamiliar -- representing the rich diversity of the Body of Christ throughout the world.  It will contain more than 800 hymns, songs and spiritual songs, music from 6 continents, and all musical styles.  We will also be purchasing an accompanist’s edition, as well as an enlarged print edition we can photocopy each week for those who are visually impaired.  Electronic editions will also be available.

If you have more questions or are just curious about knowing more about Glory to God before it arrives, there is a great on-line resourcewww.presbyterianhymnal.org

New Hours on Sunday Mornings

Sunday School:  9:45 a.m. - 10:30 with Mark Shannon and Pastor Susan sharing teaching duties.  
Fellowship Time:  10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. with light refreshments and a time to catch up before worship.  We have a fancy new coffee machine and a wide variety of coffees/teas/hot chocolate is available.  You'll think you've stumbled into Starbucks! Well, maybe not Starbucks...
Cards will also be available for prayer requests you would like offered up during the prayers of the people. If you have a prayer need, please hand your card to Susan or Jon Stellfox.
Weekly Announcements:  10:50 a.m. -- 11:00 a.m.  Informal time of announcements and information about what's going on at Emsworth U.P. 
Worship  Begins at 11:00 a.m. 

North Boros Crop Walk

The North Boros Crop Walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 6 beginning at Greenstone United Methodist Church, 939 California Avenue.  Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and the walk begins at 2:00 p.m.   This is a great way to support efforts end hunger in community, country and around the world.  For more information and to register, email Pastor Susan at smr33@verizon.net or pick up a registration form in the Narthex.