Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lenten Discipline -- March 11

Lenten discipline of the day:  
Look out.

O taste and see that the Lord is good.
(Psalm 34:8)

For years, the blogger Andrew Sullivan has held a weekly contest on his blog, The Daily Dish, in which readers send in pictures of the "view from your window" and other readers guess where the picture was taken.  In order to win the contest, readers must really focus on small details in order to figure out where in the world they are looking.  Here's an archive of the photos featured over the years:  http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/vfyw-contest/

Today, take time to look out your window and try to see the unique beauty that lies within the picture just outside your door.  Look for the small details that you've never noticed before.  A patch of snow. A bit of sunlight shining on the sidewalk.  The neighbor's wind chimes.  The bare branches outlined against the sky. The shapes of the clouds. 

What seems beautiful to you today?  Take a moment and thank God for it.