You Are the Witnesses
NOTE: Sermons are aural events; they are meant to be heard, not read. The text below -- which was not delivered exactly as written -- may include errors not limited to spelling, grammar and punctuation of which the listener might be unaware and with which the preacher is unconcerned.
Today's sermon includes an update on the Unglued Church work being done by the Emsworth U.P. Church.
Luke 24:36b-49
Jesus himself stood
among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
37They were
startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost.
38He said
to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
39Look at
my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost
does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”
40And when
he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.
41While in
their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, “Have
you anything here to eat?”
42They gave
him a piece of broiled fish,
43and he
took it and ate in their presence.
44Then he
said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with
you—that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the
psalms must be fulfilled.”
45Then he
opened their minds to understand the scriptures,
46and he
said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise
from the dead on the third day,
47and that
repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all
nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
48You are
witnesses of these things.
49And see, I
am sending upon you what my Father promised; so stay here in the city until you
have been clothed with power from on high.”
Let us begin with
prayer: Oh holy God, be with us
this day in our hearing and our speaking.
Open our minds to the truth of your mercy and love. Let us be true and
faithful witnesses to your resurrection power, here in this place, and in the
fullness of each day we are granted.
In Christ, the risen savior, we pray. Amen.
The one thing nobody warned me about before having children
is that they quickly become a relentless reflection of everything that is good
about their parents. That part of
raising children delights parents.
We like that part.
Unfortunately, our kids also reflect many of our bad
traits. We may believe we keep our
quirks and weaknesses cleverly hidden, but our kids pick them up anyway. That
part of raising kids often horrifies us.
The great cosmic joke in parenting is that the apple hardly
ever falls far from the tree. At
least it hasn’t at our house. Rachel
and David have inherited some fine qualities from their parents, but they have
also absorbed some annoying and painful ones. And the same is true for all of us grownups. Who among us hasn’t had that occasional
moment in which it seems all too true that we are turning into our mother? Or our father? And not always in a good way.
I am not sure that means parents do a poor job. I think it’s how human beings operate –
it is a simple thing to talk about the kind of people we want our kids to
be. It is an easy thing to talk
about the kind of people WE want to be, or imagine we already are. But putting flesh on our good
intentions is something we often do poorly. And very often, our kids are on to us. Sometimes we only recognize our less
sterling qualities when we see them in our kids.
It is the same thing in our lives of faith. As a young man, the great Indian leader
Mahatma Ghadni studied in London.
After learning about Christianity and particularly after reading the
Sermon on the Mount, he decided that Christianity was the most beautiful and
complete religion in the world.
Later in his life, after living with a Christian family in East India,
he changed his mind. After a few
months actually living with Christians, Ghandi discovered that Christian
behavior rarely reflected the teachings of Jesus. Jesus’ words were beautiful, but the words did not become
flesh very often. Ghandi is often
quoted as saying, “Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians - you are
not like him.”
Ouch. Ghandi
was on to us.
I am not sure it’s entirely fair to say Christians are doing
a poor job of following Christ. We
want to be Christ-like. We want
our words and actions to line up in a faithful way. But like the disciples in our text today, I think we are
terrified. Depressed. Scared sick. Worried about what the future can possibly hold for us. So frightened of death, that we cannot
see the possibilities of resurrection life, much less live into it. Even when it’s staring us in the face.
Even when Jesus is right up in our face, there’s so much
negative stuff blocking our vision.
But that doesn’t discourage the risen Christ from seeking us out.
Jesus comes to the disciples in Jerusalem after appearing to
Cleopas and his buddy on the Emmaus Road on Easter Sunday. As you may recall, that story
begins with the two men telling a stranger about their broken dreams.
“We had such hopes,” they cry and moan as the stranger
sidles up beside them. “We had
such hopes that this Jesus of Nazareth would be the one to redeem Israel.”
But that’s all over now, as far as they can see. As they walk along the Emmaus Road, all
they can see is blood, pain, despair and death.
We had such hopes.
Nothing turned out the way in which we imagined it. No overthrow of Rome. No warrior Messiah on a chariot taking
on Caesar’s legions. No miraculous triumph. Just death.
And then, as the story continues on, the stranger, Jesus,
begins to talk with them. And as
Jesus talks, we see him slowly bringing the men out of their despair, inviting
them back into the larger story of God’s promises and God’s goodness. Jesus speaks to them in a way that they
can begin to make sense of the pain and see what it all means. Jesus’ presence with them moves them
from death to life, from despair to hope. The two disciples are so transfixed and transformed by
this stranger that when night falls, they ask him not to go. They want Jesus to stay and continue
the conversation about the very things that are troubling their minds and their
souls. They have come down with a
serious case of holy heartburn and it feels too good to let go.
As they sit down for supper, they recognize Jesus for who he
is. The One who has taken
all their broken hopes, and redeemed them in a way that seemed unthinkable just
a few hours before.
After their encounter with the Living Christ, the two men
rush back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples what they have seen, how Jesus
became known to them when they sat down to break bread together.
But the disciples in Jerusalem want no part of this holy
heartburn and will do everything they can to resist resurrection
Jesus comes to them and they are startled and afraid. Resisting resurrection.
Jesus comes to them and they think they see a ghost. Resisting resurrection.
Jesus comes to them and they doubt. Resisting resurrection.
Jesus shows them his hands and feet, flesh and bones and
they disbelieve. Resisting
Jesus offers them the chance to touch him and still they
still wonder. Resisting
Finally, Jesus eats a piece of fish and tells them – you can
trust me. You can trust all that
you have read in the law and the prophets and the psalms. See what I have done? I have put flesh on the bones of God’s
promises so you can trust what is burning in your hearts. You can trust what your eyes see, even
if your mind is telling you it cannot be possible.
You. Jesus
says. You are the witnesses to all
that is now possible.
You, Jesus says.
You are no longer have to be crippled by fears of death.
You. Jesus says.
You have been given not only open-minds, but new-mindedness.
You. Jesus
says. You will have the Holy
Spirit so you may see the world in an entirely new way, and will tell the world
what you have seen.
You. Jesus
says. You have been given new life
to live in a new way so that they world will see my Word in your bodies.
And ever since, the Holy Spirit has put flesh on the
Word. The Holy Spirit continues to
enter into broken hopes and grief over what used to be, or what is, or what
will not be, and transform it all into joy.
New Life. Abundant
Life. Eternal Life. A big case of holy heartburn that has
the power to set the world on fire.
In the best possible.
We are the witnesses of these things. We
are the witnesses of these things. We have inherited both the despairing
resistance and the crazy joy of Jesus’ disciples. Where will we go from here?
How shall we witness to the resurrection, brothers and
That is the question of the “Unglued Church” project. How will we be witnesses to the
resurrection for a new generation?
How do we release the anxiety and fear and frantic technical fixes that
only serve to drain us, and move into adaptive change that frees us to serve
God with joy in this time?
Over the past year, we have talked about many things, all of
us. About the past of this
church. The good and the bad. About the present situation in this
church. We have talked about the
incredible gifts of this congregation, and the many challenges. Some of these conversations have been
hard. Some have been filled with
laughter. Some with tears.
It is tempting to stay exactly where we are, as we are, just
as the disciples did when they realized that their hopes about who Jesus would
be for them had been wiped out on Calvary. We resist resurrection. It is easier to stay where we are.
But Jesus won’t leave well enough alone. Jesus won’t let us
stay stuck. Jesus continues to speak to us through the power of the Holy Spirit
in the voices of this congregation, your pastor, your community, and through
the Unglued Church project. We are
challenged to see where Jesus is calling us as a community of faith, and to be
open to the Spirit’s urging.
There are many options, many paths we could take as a
church. At our last meeting, a few
weeks ago, our Adaptive Change Apprentice, Rev. Sarah Robbins and I put
together a range of nine possible directions – not plans, but general directions
we could begin to investigate more fully and pray about specifically in order
to continue moving forward.
The nine options are printed on the insert in your
bulletin. As you can see, the
possible options range from dissolving the congregation and turning the keys
over to the presbytery to completely re-inventing the church.
For each of these options, Sarah and I determined based upon
our knowledge of other churches experience the amount of energy, money and
spiritual depth that would be required to explore and execute each of the nine
At the beginning of the last meeting, we reviewed where our
congregation is on its life cycle – and determined that the majority of
participants agreed that we are where we believed we were a year ago. On a downward slope, with the majority
believing we are on the cusp of becoming unviable, or already there.
We talked about where we are as a congregation in terms of
energy, finances and spiritual depth.
Most felt our energy is low. We have an average Sunday attendance of between 30 and 35
people. We have 59 members “on the
books.” Only a small percentage of
our congregation is active in leadership and/or other activities outside of
Sunday morning worship. And a
substantial percentage of our members on the books are shut-ins or folks who
live out of town.
Most felt our financial resources are low. We have a modest memorial account. Our current offerings are sufficient to
sustain a half-time pastor, other part time staff, and maintain the
building. In 2014, we spent around
$88,000, with $79,000 going to staff costs, administration and building
maintenance. Our mission giving has been sustained at between 7% of our total
When we have had to make withdrawals from the memorial
account from time to time to deal with building repairs or utility bills, we
have been fortunate that rising earnings in the stock market have kept our
investments fairly steady, at least over the past few years.
Most of the participants in the last meeting felt our
spiritual depth/fortitude is between low and medium. Which means that we have a modest ability to endure
significant changes in worship, mission, and the nature of our congregational
life. For many in our congregation,
their spiritual life is centered on this place, this building, this
congregation. Some have commented
that if this church closed, they wouldn’t go to church at all. And we heard over and over again that
there is a strong desire to stay in this building.
So given that honest and realistic assessment of who we are,
the group narrowed the nine general directions down to three. Only one of the three directions
includes the possibility of selling the building:
1. Age in
place. Continue as we have,
finding one outward-focused mission activity that has legs (garden, feeding
ministry, homeless ministry).
2. Keep the
building, but lease/rent out all or part of the building, use space for Sunday
worship, and use income from lease to continue as long as possible.
3. Sell the
building and “nest” with another congregation, and explore merger
We are asking the congregation, together with the
leadership, to form three “working groups” to consider the implications of each
direction. Each working group will
begin to put “flesh on the bones” of each general direction, assess the
positives and negatives of each, the costs, the challenges, and the
I realize that all of you cannot be at our next meeting on
Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. when we will form the working groups to consider
these directions. So today, we’re
going to replicate an exercise we did at the last meeting.
Of these three directions – where do you see
Of these three directions – where do you see yourself giving
some time and energy to explore how it may come to pass for us?
Of these three directions – where do you sense the Holy
Spirit may be calling this church?
Remember, we are not making a decision today. Just getting a sense of where the
congregation might be right now.
And giving you an opportunity to begin thinking about where each of
these three directions might take us.
Let us pray:
God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, we confess to you that
we are frequently slow to believe what you have promised through your prophets
and in your Son Jesus. We succumb to fears of death as if it were the end
of everything - and all too often we live as if there is nothing to live for
beyond death. Forgive us Lord: forgive us our doubts, our disbelief, and
our deafness to the witness of other believers, and our silence when we could
give witness to the faith which we have...
Lord of mercy, God of the living, grant that we might see
beyond the ruins that lie about us; that we might take to heart the lessons of
Scripture which testify to your willingness and ability to bring new
life to dry bones. Give to those who despair a vision of the
resurrection which awaits all those who believe, all those you have
chosen. Help them to order their lives by the principles of your
everlasting kingdom—that kingdom in which faith, hope and love transfigure all
that they touch...
Father, help us be a people who are prepared for the journey
which lies ahead. Take from us all evil desire; remove from us any refusal we
have to forgive others; lift from us any reluctance we have to love our enemies
and to bless, in your name, those who curse us. Send unto us the desire
to love one another as Jesus loves us, the yearning to bring your saving word
to those who hunger, the longing to reach out and touch another person
with your love and to speak to others—and to ourselves—your truth. Help
us to be ones who are prepared; help us to be ones who live Christ-like lives.
Thanks be to God.