Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer at Emsworth U.P.

Welcome to Flip Flop Summer!

June 15 and 22:  Regular worship (11 a.m.) in the sanctuary.

June 29:  Special worship featuring results of New Beginnings report and introduction to the Unglued Church process.  Please make every effort to attend this important worship service!

July 6:  Worship at Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall. https://sites.google.com/a/cpcba.org/welcome-to-cpcba/  Pastor Susan will lead as we worship with our brothers and sisters at CPCBA.

July 13, 20, 27, August 3:  Worship in the fellowship hall at Emsworth U.P. at 10 a.m.

August 10 and 17:  During Pastor Susan's summer vacation, we will worship with guest preachers in the fellowship hall at Emsworth U.P. at 10 a.m.

August 24:  Pastor Susan will lead final summer worship service in the fellowship hall at Emsworth U.P. at 10 a.m.

August 31: Worship at Emsworth U.P. Church at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary with Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon.  Pastor Donna will lead as we worship with our brothers and sisters at CPCBA.

Summer worship this year will be casual (feel free to wear shorts and flip flops), participatory and will include a weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper.  The congregation will be invited out of the pew and into the pulpit as we read and interpret God’s word together, and share the work of liturgy.  We will learn new music, discover new ways to experience scripture together, share our faith stories, and anticipate the newness of God’s Spirit moving through us and among us.

If you have questions about the schedule, please contact Pastor Susan at 412-585-1219. 

New Beginnings/Unglued Church -- the report is in!  Now it's time for you to begin dreaming for the future of Emsworth U.P. 

On May 30 and 31st, the pastor and leaders of Emsworth U.P. and 7 other churches from Pittsburgh Presbytery met with staff from the PCUSA, presbytery, and consultants Jim Kitchens and Deborah Wright to receive and review the New Beginnings reports.

On Sunday, June 29, during the regular Sunday worship service, we will discover what was learned about our church and community in the New Beginnings assessment.  Through conversation, scripture and testimony, we will receive the report and begin plans for a series of "house meetings" that will take place in July and August for the entire Emsworth UP community to discuss and discern the future for our community of faith.

During the conversation process this summer, and for the next 12 months, we will be assisted by Rev. Deborah Wright, our consultant from Pneumatrix,  and Rev. Sarah Robbins, our local "Adaptive Change Apprentice."

Please make every effort to be in worship on June 29, and please make time this summer to participate in the house meetings.

Learning To Walk in the Dark -- a conversation with Barbara Brown Taylor's new book.

Pastor Susan will be leading a summer book discussion around Barbara Brown Taylor’s New York Times bestseller, Learning to Walk in the Dark. We will gather on four evenings: July 9, 16,  23 and 30 at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The book is available now for purchase from Amazon.com, or at your favorite bookstore.  

From Our Sister Church in Malawi

Dear Brethren,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I write to let you know that we have a missionary trip on 16th July, 2014 following the invitation from Pittsburgh Presbytery.I  hope you are aware and we are privileged to inform you that we are sending one church member as we did last time in 2010 with Kenneth Nsona.
We know for sure there has been no communication but this time around let us be communicating so that we share experiences among us.

As for Ndirande congregation we have now a new executive as follows.
Church Minster-Rev.M.P.Nasiyaya
Session Clerk-Mr.Humphreys Hilla
Deputy Session Clerk-Mrs.Jere
Assistant Session Clerk-Mr.M.Chirwa
Congregation Treasure-Mr.Jeremia
Deputy Treasure-Mrs.Edith Kadammanja
Finance Chairman-Mr.Kaphetsa.

Currently we wish to hear more from you since it has taken some years without talking to each other.It is our hope as well that this communication will refresh our partnership.Once again let us communicate please.

Your Brother in Christ,
Assist. Session Clerk

For more information about the upcoming mission trip of our partners in Malawi to Pittsburgh, please contact Rev. Dave Carver (dave@chup.org)