Lenten discipline of the day:
declutter for good.
Create in me a clean heart O God,
and put a right and new spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)
I am not at all certain how many of us spring clean the way in which my grandmother performed the yearly ritual of clearing out and cleaning out her home. But the older I get, the I realize that she might have been on to something in her whirling dervish cleaning frenzy every year. Sometimes, I find that a good clean up of the house feels like a spiritual discipline. There is something freeing and deeply satisfying about cleaning out the dusty corners and clearing out the clutter.
I think one of the reasons I do not like to clean is that I almost always discover junk -- junk that once seemed so important that we had to have it, but now languishes abandoned in a closet or in a cabinet. It makes me feel ashamed, but determined to be more mindful in how we handle our purchases.
Today's Lenten discipline is to find 5 items -- pieces of clothing in good condition or anything else that is cluttering your home -- and give them to a local thrift store, Goodwill, Vietnam Veterans (they pick up) or another place that can give your unneeded items a good home. Start small for now. Perhaps in time, you'll find that decluttering can become a habit.
Contributing to and shopping at thrift stores is not only good for the spirit (and your budget), it is good for the earth by recycling clothing and other items that still have a purpose. Plus, all the cool kids are doing it. http://vimeo.com/56256943