Saturday, October 11, 2014

Continuing The Conversation, Dreaming Our Future

This Monday Evening, October 13 

6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Come join together for dinner, conversation and prayer as we continue our work to discern our future as a congregation, using the resources from the New Beginnings/Unglued Church process.

We'll gather at 6 p.m for dinner (entree provided -- please bring a side dish or dessert), then break into small groups at 6:30 p.m. to consider three options for our future that came out of the New Beginnings process. 

Each small group will look at one of three future stories suggested by our New Beginnings report and house meetings, then consider what steps would need to be taken to move toward that desired future. At the end of the small group discussion, we will gather a a single group again to talk about the discoveries generated by each group.

We will also participate in an exercise called, "Animal Farm" in which we will talk about the "animals" in our midst that can hinder our process of becoming the church that God is calling us to be.  These animals are:

Sacred Cow -- What do we treat as that which cannot be "messed with" in our church?  

Elephant in the Room -- What issues need to be acknowledged and discussed that we are afraid to tackle?

Dinosaur -- What is extinct or needs to die in order for us to move forward?

Squirrel(!) -- What distractions are keeping us from moving forward?

Road Kill -- Are we willing to name and embrace our epic failures in the past?  Are we willing to risk them in the future by creating an environment in which failure can be celebrated?

We hope you will join us on Monday evening as we continue these important conversations that will be so critical in our movement forward.  If you have questions, please contact Pastor Susan via phone or email.