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This is the third year that we've gathered together as a church in an "Advent Conspiracy" in which we commit to worshiping fully, spending less, giving more of ourselves, and loving all as we anticipate the birth of Jesus.
Retailers and advertising tell us the best way to celebrate Christ's birth is to spend more money. Jesus, however, does not call us to shop, but to serve others. The Advent Conspiracy gives us the opportunity to give a gift that matters by bringing comfort to people in need.
This year, we will celebrate the birth of Christ by purchasing animals that can help families in the developing world care for themselves and even prosper. Our gifts will help provide a donkey, a sheep, a goat and two chickens -- remembering that Jesus was born not in a king's palace or a modern hospital, but in an stall where animals were kept. The first sounds Jesus heard in addition to his parents' voices were the sounds of nearby animals.
Just as they did in ancient times, donkeys help till fields, sheep produce warm wool for clothing, goats provide easily digestible milk, and chickens provide a lasting source of nutrition and income for multiple families.
This year, we will also provide the opportunity for you to purchase poinsettias to be delivered to Meals on Wheels clients in the North Boroughs, and to our homebound members.
The total cost for a group of animals is $525 and we hope to purchase at least one set. A generous member has offered to donate $525 for a second set of animals if the congregations donates the cost for the first set. Poinsettias will be $5.00 each.
For more information, please call the church at 412-766-4238.
Please mail your checks to:
Emsworth U.P Church
Advent Conspiracy
73 Hiland Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA. 15202
Please indicate what portion of your donation is for the animals and/or poinsettias.
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